Monday, September 7, 2009

Faith Alone Isn't Enough

Now that I posted my Red Carpet entry our rector preached yesterday (based on the book of James) that faith alone is not enough. We have to take action too. He said that the two go hand in hand, that if you have faith it will lead you to do good things to help others. And if you do good things to help others it will strengthen your faith. I have to agree. I can see how that works. However, Greg's sermon was a timely reminder for me that I must be active in my faith. That red carpet is there for me because it takes me through places where I can use my hands and feet to help others. I must not ignore those opportunities. When I think I am too small to make a difference, I need to trust that I am there for a reason and that is to serve others in need. God's got my back when I think I'm not strong enough or when I don't know how to help or don't think I have the time. That red carpet isn't there because I deserve it or because I've earned it; that is certainly not the case. It's there simply because God loves me. That's powerful love and I hope and pray I will do my part by sharing it with others through acts of faith.

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