Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Hard in the Morning!

Lord, you know how hard it is for me to turn on my best parenting brain in the morning. Last night MC blatantly disobeyed my instructions and I was able to implement a direct consequence. She wasn't happy about it, but she learned (at least for the time being) that such disobeying might not be so good in the long term. This morning J blatantly disobeyed my instructions, even talking back to me disrespectfully. I simply got mad and frustrated and found myself saying "please do this" to him. Ultimately I shifted the power back to him. Please help me to guide my son in these situations. In taekwando we are learning about discipline, which means "to obey what is right". The instructors make the kids say in class that the parents are right at home and the teachers are right at school. It is so good for him to learn this lesson. He already had the school part down, but the home part still needs some work. He is so much more disciplined than he used to be. At least he didn't throw anything at me or try to hit me (and he hasn't in a long time). Thank you God for the skills you have given J and the maturity he has developed. I pray once again for patience, wisdom, strength, and courage to raise him to reach his potential, and and to be fully equipped to do your work on this earth (and beyond, as the case may well be).

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